
1、taste英[teɪst]美[test]n.滋味;味觉;体验;风味vt.& vi.尝,品尝vt.吃;喝;浅尝vi.尝味;略进(饮食);(少量地)吃;有某种味道网络尝起来;品味;味道第三人称单数:tastes复数:tastes现在分词:tasting过去式:tasted过去分词:tasted例句 1 This voyage was his first taste of freedom. 这次航行使他初次体验到了自由的滋味。

2、 2 The powder comes close to emulating the taste of candy products like pixy Stix. 这些粉末的味道类似于Pixy Stix糖果棒。

3、 3 Hirsch explored the impact of smell, taste and eating behaviors while watching TV by measuring potato chip consumption. 他是位于美国芝加哥的嗅觉与味觉治疗研究基金会的神经学主任。


5、 4 It could be a taste of the future for job interviews and the beginning of the end for curmudgeonly work colleagues. 这可能是未来工作面试的体验,同时也可能是脾气古怪的同事不复存在的时代拉开了序幕。

6、 5 The materials of each flavor are fresh, from the fresh lemon to amaretto mousse, you can feel its special taste. 每种口味都使用最新鲜的原材料,从新鲜柠檬到杏仁慕斯,你能感受到那种特别的风味。

7、 6 Give me a segment of a tangerine to taste. 给我一瓣柑橘尝一尝。

